Happy Holidays
2024 has been a year of innovation, connection, and unforgettable moments at UBC Okanagan
5 year anniversary of UBC Okanagan’s Declaration of Truth and Reconciliation Commitments
As we mark the 5 year anniversary of UBC Okanagan’s public declaration of five commitments in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, I’m delighted to share the video below which captures important milestones from the last 5 years. UBC Okanagan’s 2019 declaration in conjunction with the 2020 UBC-wide Indigenous Strategic […]
Fall Town Hall Follow-up
Thank you to all who joined me on Thursday, August 29th for the Faculty and Staff Fall Town Hall and Announcement of the Staff Awards of Excellence. As always, I enjoyed sharing updates and taking questions from the audience.
Communication with members of the UBCO courtyard encampment
I would like to keep our campus community updated on UBC Okanagan’s communications with the members of the courtyard encampment.
Town Hall: Budget update
On January 26th members of the UBC Okanagan community joined Principal Lesley Cormack and Okanagan campus executive team members for a virtual Town Hall to discuss the 2024/2025 budget.
Happy Holidays from UBC Okanagan Principal
Every year, the winter holiday season inspires me to be hopeful about the coming year, and the dawn of a new day.
Principal’s Fall Town Hall & Staff Awards of Excellence
On September 1st, 2022 faculty and staff joined Principal Lesley Cormack for her Fall Town Hall and the Staff Awards of Excellence. Watch the video or read the written responses to the questions that couldn’t be addresses due to time constraints.
Watch: 2022 Principal’s Spring Town Hall
On May 16, 2022 faculty and staff joined Dr. Lesley Cormack, Principal and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, for her first in-person Town Hall. Dr. Cormack shares her vision for the UBC Okanagan campus before engaging in a Q&A session with the audience.
A statement on racism and discrimination
As we begin our academic year, I want to emphasize the special nature of your relationship with UBC. You are part of an extraordinary community—at UBC we share a commitment to build environments that uphold human rights, free of harassment and discrimination and that reflect the university’s core values of equity and inclusivity.
Watch: DVC Fall Town Hall 2020
If you missed Professor Cormack’s 2020 Fall Town Hall you can still catch the recording!