Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal (Office of the)

Dr. Ananya Mukherjee Reed appointed Vice-Chancellor of Shiv Nadar University, Delhi NCR

Dr. Ananya Mukherjee Reed appointed Vice-Chancellor of Shiv Nadar University, Delhi NCR

A message from the Office of the President and the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal

Next Distinguished Speaker Series event to feature Marion Buller
$1.25 million gift creates enduring support for students and clinical research

$1.25 million gift creates enduring support for students and clinical research

UBCO’s new dining hall named in honour of The Colin & Lois Pritchard Foundation

Orange Shirt Day at UBC Okanagan

Orange Shirt Day at UBC Okanagan

A message from the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal

Banners installed to honour residential school attendees and families
Free books hidden in Kelowna for Hide a Book Day
UBCO launches Bachelor of Sustainability degree
2021 Staff Awards of Excellence honorees announced at DVC Townhall

2021 Staff Awards of Excellence honorees announced at DVC Townhall

A number of employees were recognized for their outstanding service to the university at the annual Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal’s Fall Town Hall and Staff Awards of Excellence.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal’s Fall Town Hall information roundup

Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal’s Fall Town Hall information roundup

A message from the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal