I am pleased to see that the UBCSUO has decided to rescind their earlier decision and grant the Conservative student club official status at UBC Okanagan.
Open and respectful dialogue, inclusive of all points of view, is a cornerstone of both learning and our democracy and I’m encouraged to see that this elected student body has embraced those principles. I also commend the student union leadership for listening to their student constituents and to the wider community.
While the UBCSUO is an independent body, they are also a vital part of the university, which is fundamentally a place of learning. The student leaders campaign for the positions they hold, are duly and democratically elected, and take seriously their responsibility to represent the wishes and values of the student body.
I am pleased that this outcome could be reached and I hope that we can all show support and compassion to those that played their part in the process.
Lesley Cormack
Principal and Deputy Vice-Chancellor
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