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Fall Town Hall Follow-up

Fall Town Hall Follow-up

Thank you to all who joined me on Thursday, August 29th for the Faculty and Staff Fall Town Hall and Announcement of the Staff Awards of Excellence. As always, I enjoyed sharing updates and taking questions from the audience. 

Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation leadership update
Welcome Back: Fall Town Hall and BBQ

Welcome Back: Fall Town Hall and BBQ

A message from the Office of the Principal and Deputy Vice-Chancellor

The post Welcome Back: Fall Town Hall and BBQ appeared first on UBC Okanagan News.

UBC Properties Trust offers new support for Pathways residents
Appointment of Dr. Suzie Currie as next Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation, UBC Okanagan
Preparing for wildfires

Preparing for wildfires

A message from the Office of the Principal and Deputy Vice-Chancellor

The post Preparing for wildfires appeared first on UBC Okanagan News.

UBCO celebrates the Class of 2024

Communication with members of the UBCO courtyard encampment

I would like to keep our campus community updated on UBC Okanagan’s communications with the members of the courtyard encampment.

Spring update and Q&A with the Principal
Campus update on downtown Kelowna

Campus update on downtown Kelowna

A message from the Office of the Principal and Deputy Vice-Chancellor

The post Campus update on downtown Kelowna appeared first on UBC Okanagan News.