Archives by date

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Spring update and Q&A with the Principal
Campus update on downtown Kelowna

Campus update on downtown Kelowna

A message from the Office of the Principal and Deputy Vice-Chancellor

The post Campus update on downtown Kelowna appeared first on UBC Okanagan News.

UBCO to present three honorary degrees at spring graduation ceremonies
UBCO to present three honorary degrees at spring graduation ceremonies
Inclusion and support through global events

Inclusion and support through global events

A message from the Office of the Principal and Deputy Vice-Chancellor

The post Inclusion and support through global events appeared first on UBC Okanagan News.

Town Hall: Budget update

On January 26th members of the UBC Okanagan community joined Principal Lesley Cormack and Okanagan campus executive team members for a virtual Town Hall to discuss the 2024/2025 budget.

Principal’s budget update Town Hall scheduled for Jan. 26